Blending for Potential: Essential Oils and Your Second Chakra

blending for your second chakra

Often in aromatherapy, we as aromatherapists are so focused on the physical maladies that plague us. We ask what oils are good for this, what component do I need for this, what scientific research exists for this?

We take all of this into account when we are consulting for our clients and our students, but to ignore the energetic body is a big mistake. When both physical and energetic body are taken into account, powerful healing and results happen (when we speak of the energetic body we are referring to the emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies as well as our overall vibration).

What is the Second Chakra?

The second chakra is the sacral chakra also known in sanskrit as Svadhishthana. The color is orange and the location is just above the pubic bone and below the navel. The subject matter of the second chakra is creation, relationships, sexual energy and immune system. This is where the emotional body lies. In many other trainings, this chakra is referred to as the sexual chakra only, but this is not accurate and is limiting. We have found that relationships (all relationships) and our creation energy is really the center of this chakra.

There are many ways to look at aromatherapy and essential oils when dealing with the second chakra. You can blend for this chakra by color, by plant part or by different layers of vibration.  The latter is a bit too extensive and complicated to be addressed in a blog post, so we’ll cover the first two.

How to blend for the second chakra by color

Let’s take a look at blending by color. This is the primary way to blend for the chakras. Since the color of the second chakra is orange, we can use oils that are orange in color or that come from an orange botanical. Choose oils such as Orange (Citrus sinensis), Tagetes (Tagetes minuta), Tangerine (Citrus reticulata), Red Mandarin (Citrus reticulata), Bergamot (Citrus bergamia), Turmeric (Curcuma longa), and Clementine (Citrus reticulata blanco var. Clementine).

How to blend for the second chakra by plant part

Blending by plant part is a bit more complex as it relates not to the color of the chakra but to the function of the chakra. Seed and berry oils are very effective to blend for the second chakra as the functions of the seed are reproduction and protection. A seed is a small embryonic plant enclosed in a covering called the seed coat, usually with some stored food. Seeds are full of potential energy and ready to sprout, grow and thrive.

There are many oils that are extracted from a seed or berry, like Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans), Cardamom Seed (Ellettaria cardamomum), Fennel (Foeniculum vulgaris), Carrot Seed (Daucus carota), Black pepper (Piper nigrum), Caraway seed (Carum carvi), Xanthoxylum (Zanthoxylum armatum), Khella (Ammi visnaga) and Pink Pepper (Schinus molle).

Here is a fantastic second chakra blend based on the two above principles. This is a stock blend that can be added to a diffuser, aromastick, or blended into a carrier oil of your choice and massaged into the second chakra area.

Stillpoint Second Chakra Creation Blend